Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Wait is Over!

The anticipation of posting bridals is brutal! But, as of last weekend, Miss Christina Martin is now Mrs. Christina Leonard! Congrats to you two! It was an extra special session-I went to school with the bride and groom! I wish you both many, many years of happiness!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

"Today Was a Fairytale"

Now everyone has met a celebrity look alike. Like it or not, as she may, meet Adrian. Now she may not be "Fifteen", but it's bound to be a "Love Story" when you meet this girl. She just as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. "Our Song", or rather, our session was a BLAST! She is a rising Senior who loves dancing, acting, and the Lord to the max.
Adrian, I hope these won't be "Just Another picture to Burn", but memories you will always cherish. Just like you, they will always "Stay Beautiful". Love ya girl! (hehehe!)

All Grown Up....Well, Almost!

Flash Back 16 years ago. I always wanted a little brother, and through my life-long friend Wendi, I got just that. The terror poor Jake received from his "2" older sisters was straight from a TV sitcom. We had him convinced that he was adopted. We used peroxide to lighten his hair when we did ours....he was 3. We forced him to try and "bite his ear" until he accomplished the task. Oh, and don't you worry, we suffered the repercussions that older siblings do-all he had to do was utter a sniffle or drop one tear and it was over for Wendi and I. Now, flash forward to present day-he's all grown up! I had the privilege of photographing the my once pestering little brother figure, who is now quite the aspiring musician, and handsome guy. We laughed about those memories, and had a good time with the session.
Congrats Jake- and I still love you like a little brother!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

So Happy To See Double

Caleb and Preston-Oh how I have waited for you! I could hardly sleep the night before this session....TWINS! I have ALWAYS wanted to take Twins' photos......and finally....here they are! One fell asleep sitting up, there was a couple snack-breaks, they both let me love on them, and I almost kidnapped me 2 more little guys---! I absolutly cannot wait to follow these little guys as they grow up!